Professional development and further education institution “Mācībucentrs plus” was founded on May 2, 2012.
Since our foundation, we have been successfully and actively conducting training for everyone who wants to receive a quality education. People who want to develop and invest in their future. We also work with enterprises (in the field of production, sales, planning, etc.). We carry out projects: teaching of the unemployed and job seekers on the coupon system, teaching of employed people, conducting classes with children, and organizing camps.
Methodological materials have been developed for each program (including online materials). The training centre has a good library.
MC+ jau 12 gadus palīdz izglītojamiem sasniegt viņu mērķus. Šodien Mācību Centrs Plus turpina augt un attīstīties, piedāvājot kvalitatīvu izglītību visā Latvijā.