Ltd. “Educational center plus” is implementing ESF project “Nodarbināto personu profesionālās kompetences pilnveide” (“Improvement of professional competences of employed persons”)

Ltd. “Educational center plus” is implementing ESF project “Nodarbināto personu profesionālās kompetences pilnveide” (“Improvement of professional competences of employed persons”)
Since August 2019 Ltd. “Educational center plus” is implementing ESF project “Nodarbināto personu profesionālās kompetences pilnveide” (“Improvement of professional competences of employed persons”) (Nr. As part of the project, the following programs are offered: Technology of sewn goods production (seamstress), Arc welding with mechanized equipment in an active gas medium (MAG) (II professional qualification level), Construction (building construction technician), Telemechanics and logistics (logistics worker), Estimation basics, “AutoCad”. The most demanded education programs are building construction technician and technology of sewn goods production. Ltd. “Educational center plus” offers these programs in Daugavpils, Jekabpils and Kraslava. As part of the project, students are given theoretical knowledge and practical training. After finishing the educational program students are offered internships their city enterprises. 

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