“Neaizsargāto grupu sociālā iekļaušana Zarasai - Daugavpils pārrobežu reģionā, attīstot integrētu sociālās aprūpes tīklu (Valued people)” projekta Nr. LLI-550 Projekta vispārējais mērķis ir izstrādāt jaunu integrētu sociālās aprūpes tīklu, kas palielinās sociālo pakalpojumu pieejamību un efektivitāti pārrobežu reģionā Zarasai-Daugavpils. Projekta ietvaros plānots izpētīt un izvērtēt sociālās aprūpes infrastruktūru Zarasu rajonā un Daugavpils pilsētā, lai gūtu labumu no visām stiprajām pusēm un atrastu veidus, kā budžeta iestādes un nevalstiskās organizācijas varētu viena otru papildināt.
Pirmā pasaules kara mantojuma tūrisma maršruta un ekspozīcijas izveide ar mērķi piesaistīt apmeklētājus pierobežas zonā” projekta Nr. LLI-501 Projekta mērķis ir palielināt apmeklētāju skaitu Lietuvas un Latvijas pierobežas reģionos, izmantojot Pirmā Pasaules kara mantojumu, kas atrodas Daugavpils un Zarasu novados.
NORDPLUS “Strategies of Coping with COVID-19 Induced Stress for Women Working from Home” Nr. NPAD-2021/10125
"Būvindustrijas un saistīto nozaru tehnoloģisko inovāciju un produktivitātes apmācību projekts 2" Nr.
Projekta mērķis ir komersantiem nodrošināt atbalstu nodarbināto prasmju pilnveidošanai, lai sekmētu tehnoloģisko inovāciju ieviešanu un darbaspēka produktivitātes paaugstināšanu. Būvindustrijas nozarē uzņēmumi ievieš jaunas iekārtas un tehnoloģijas, kā rezultātā ir iespējas gan radīt jaunas darba vietas, gan uzņēmumos palielināt saražotās produkcijas apjomu uz vienu darbinieku, padarot viņa darbu produktīvāku.
From October, 2017 to this day The service of lectures/practical lessons in ESF project “Live healthy in Rezeknes district!” project identification No.
From 1st June, 2016 to this day Erasmus+ program of European Union, Key Action No. 1 (KA 1) adult education sector project “Improvement and development courses of teachers` competences”. Project objectives: - to improve, modernize and internationalize the curriculum quality using the teachers’ acquired knowledge and competences; - to popularize our training center to attract more adult learners and to inform they about education possibilities, using newly acquired knowledge and competences; - to expand our experience and make new contacts with European countries, adopting and exchanging different skills.
From 2016 August to this day Project of EU structural funds for professional development of employees. Objective: Professional development training for employees of enterprises.
From September 2014 to this day. "Performance of vocational training programs for the unemployed". Objective: Performance of vocational training programs for the unemployed.
From November 2012 to this day. "Performance of informal education programs for the unemployed and job seekers". Objective: Give the unemployed and job seekers an opportunity to improve their competitive ability and a greater chance to integrate themselves into the labour market.
From November 2012 to this day. "Performance of informal education programs in the realm of learning the official language for the unemployed and job seekers". Objective: Official language studies for the unemployed and job seekers.
From April 2019, “Development of professional competencies of employed people”, VIAA (State Education Development Agency)
From August 2018, “Motivational program for job search and services of a mentor (social mentor)”, Nr. NVA 2018/8_ESF.
From May 2018, EU project Erasmus+ Nr.1 (KA1) in the adult education sector, Nr. 2018-1-LV01-KA104-046928.
From May 2018, EU project “Young people guarantees” Nr., support measure “Workshops for young people”.
From February 2018, “Motivational program for job search and services of a mentor (social mentor) for long-term unemployed with disabilities”.
From May 2017, project “Motivational program for job search and services of a mentor (social mentor)”, within the EU fund “Support for long-term unemployed”.
From 2016 to December, 2017 Training project of municipal social workers “For the right to provide the professional competence development (training) services to the municipal social services and other municipalities established by social service providers and social workers in 2017”. No. LRLM2017/28-3-03/07ESF.
From June, 2017 to May, 2019 EMOTION - Tools for Effective Management of Emotions for the Baltic-Nordic Consortium of Adult Trainers, NORDPLUS ADULT Project No. NPAD-2017/10076. The aim of the project is to carry out a joint development work within the consortium and to create the Handbook with tools for adult educators working with social risk families, abusers, asylum seekers, NEETs and other disadvantaged groups on Emotional Management.
From 1st June, 2017 to 31st August, 2018 Erasmus+ program of European Union, Key Action No. 1 (KA 1) adult education sector project “Job shadowing and participation in the training course in ICT field” No. 2017-1-LV01-KA104-035297.
From 29th May, 2017 to 31st August, 2018 ESF project “Support for long-term unemployed” No. The aim of the project is to promote unemployed inclusiveness into society and recruitment in the suitable permanent work or suitable education/training, reducing the risks of social exclusion.
From January 2015 to December 2015. LDTA and itSMF partnership project of business entrepreneurs' training. Objective: To acquire additional knowledge and skills for effective cooperation during the project implementation and project management of IT services.
From 2015 to 2016. Training project of municipal social workers “For the right to provide the professional competence development (training) services to the municipal social services and other municipalities established by social service providers and social workers”. Objective: To increase the effectiveness of social services and the professionalism of staff to work with persons in the risk situations.
From July 2015 to 09.2015. "Organization of the performance of vocational education programs in detention facilities", procurement identification No. VIAA 2015/23 ESF". Objective: Performance of vocational training programs for inmates.
From July 2015 to 15.07.2015. Project "Reveal a natural scientist in you in Daugavpils", activity "Organization of environmental education camps for school children", stage II. Objective: Promote the idea of the importance of environment issues and the existing consistencies with school children in Daugavpils, motivate children to environment-friendly and ecological actions, providing an opportunity to learn new skills and competences through cooperation.
January 2015 to May 22, 2015. European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development project "Vocational training and information actions", activity "Vocational training", sub-activity "Organization of studies at the professional expert level". Objective: Provide vocational training available to the persons employed in crop farming and cattle farming in the Latgale region, promote the improvement of their knowledge, competence and skill level, ensuring environment-friendly development of agriculture and the usage of sustainable natural resource management methods in the region.
From January 2015 to 2016. "Provision of psychological consulting services for the needs of structural units of the State Police". Objective: Provide an expert trained in psychological work with children within a criminal procedure and participation in the interrogation of a minor.
August 2014 to May 15, 2015. "Provision of lecturer moderator services". Objective: Promote the development of business and innovations, activate the local resources and local partnership between businesses, municipalities, higher education institutions, scientific institutions and the planning region; enhance the capacity of municipalities in promoting business activities.
From November 2013 to 2015. Competitive ability improvement measures for the unemployed and job seekers. Objective: Organization of training courses and workshops for the unemployed.
September 2013 to December 2014. "Life-long education measures for employed persons". Objective: Performance of informal education programs for employed persons.
From August 2012 to 2014. "Training project for a partnership of enterprises operating in consumer goods manufacturing and associated industries". Objective: Personnel training for the enterprises.