Computer science and information technology
Tīmekļa vietņu programmēšana un WEB dizaina risinājumu izstrāde
Datorzinības un informācijas tehnoloģijas
Programmēšana (kvalifikācija “Programmēšanas tehniķis”)
Datorzinības un informācijas tehnoloģijas
Working with accounting computer programs (1C: Accounting)
Computer skills in accounting
the ability to work with computers is required on a daily basis. Our
educational center offers computer training courses at the basic level
and user level, as well as training in the use of special software
allowing the user to operate computers at a professional level. Skillful
usage of computers allows automatization of daily work and business
processes, facilitates access to many services through the usage of the
Internet and various computer programs. ESF projekts " Nodarbināto personu profesionālās kompetences pilnveide " Nr.
Employed or self-employed people aged over 25 (90% is paid by the state). Attention!!! Registration for adult education only on website of State Education Development Agency