Basic work safety education program

Basic work safety education program

Who is it suitable for? 

- Occupational safety specialists: for deepening and updating knowledge in safety. 

- Employers and managerial staff: to increase awareness of labor protection requirements and their practical application. 

What will you learn? 

- Management and organization of labor protection requirements: creating and maintaining a safe work environment. 

- Application of legislation in practice: using current laws and standards in daily work. 

- Investigation of accidents: methods and approaches to investigation, prevention of occupational diseases. 

- Application of basic knowledge in occupational safety: fundamentals of fire and electrical safety, skills in providing first aid. 

- Participation in monitoring and improving the work environment: risk assessment methods, planning measures to improve safety.

 Learning methods include lectures, independent work, discussions, as well as practical sessions, such as scenario enactment, case analysis, and problem-solving. This will allow participants not only to absorb theoretical foundations but also to learn how to apply acquired knowledge in practice, enhancing the level of safety and health at the enterprise.

Course program:

Biological, chemical and thermal effects of electric current; 
Step voltage; 
Tangential voltage; 
Fire safety and rescue services and their tasks; 
Basic fire safety requirements; 
Organizational measures;
Fire safety of territories, buildings and structures; 
ABC scheme for prevention and life protection during critical situations.

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