State language in accordance with the medium level of the official state language proficiency

State language in accordance with the medium level of the official state language proficiency
Aim: As a result of this course, students will have mastered the Latvian language at a level corresponding to the medium level of required proficiency in the state language.
Outcomes and results: Having successfully mastered this course, students receive the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge according to the requirements of the medium level of proficiency of the state language. Students will be able to tell about himself/herself and family members, ask for directions and other questions, understand simple texts, construct simple sentences, participate in a dialogue, make sense of every day and work situations.

Course program:

What do I feel?
How do I feel?
What am I like?
Me today and tomorrow.
State and family.
Family members.
Hobbies and interests.
Outdoors and recreation.
Me in the society.

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